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Saffron Slam 40K Terrain Rules

1) Old World players click HERE!


2) Find your layout photo below (the orientation will differ from game to game).


3) Read the listed rules and agree these with your opponent.


4) Have a great game!

Some general, Saffron Slam specific rules to be aware of:


a) All ground floor windows in any building are considered to have been boarded up and block Line of Sight (LOS).


b) All 'Hills' at the Saffron Slam block LOS across them. 


Propaganda Town


Buildings - use 'Ruins' rules, models cannot end their move inside the building (but can climb on top as normal)


Fortified Walls - use 'Ruins' rules


Fortified Gate - use 'Ruins' rules, gate can be opened/closed by any unit within 1" at any point during the Movement Phase (it has no rules when open)


Containers - use 'Hills' rules


Barricades - use 'Barricades' rules


Bunker Complex - use 'Ruins' rules


Wizard's Castle


If the mission being played uses an Objective Marker in the centre of the board, the Wizard's Tower IS the objective. Models touching the base of the Tower are considered to be in range of the Objective.


Castle Ruins & Wizard's Tower - use 'Ruins' rules


Rocks - use 'Hills' rules


Woodland (move trees to position models within) - use 'Woods' rules with the addition that these features block LOS across them and units wholly within them have the Stealth Keyword (except Towering/Aircraft units)


Barricades - use 'Barricades' rules


Highland Monastery


Rocks - use 'Hills' rules


Woodland (move trees to position models within) - use 'Woods' rules with the addition that these features block LOS across them and units wholly within them have the Stealth Keyword (except Towering/Aircraft units)


Rocky Barricades - use 'Barricades' rules


Monastery - use 'Ruins' rules


Mechanicus Badlands


Power Station - use 'Hills' rules


Large Rocks - use 'Hills' rules


Generators and Pipe Stacks - use 'Hills' rules


Rock Walls - use 'Barricades' rules


Demios Spaceport


Large Crates - use 'Hills' rules


Skyshield Landing Pad - use 'Ruins' rules


Mechanicus Structures - use 'Ruins' rules


Ruins - use 'Ruins' rules


Small Crate Walls - use 'Barricades' rules


Cathedral City 1*


Ruins - use 'Ruins' rules


Barricades - use 'Barricades' rules


*no cheese(y) puns please

Ancient Badlands (2).JPG

Ancient Badlands


Rock Formations (all sizes) and Columns - use 'Hills' rules


Guard Vehicles - use 'Battlefield Debris' rules with the addition that units wholly obscured by these features have the Stealth Keyword (except Towering/Aircraft units)


Craters - use 'Craters' rules with the addition that units wholly within the crater gain the Stealth keyword


Barrel Walls - use 'Barricades' rules


Ruined City​


Ruins - use 'Ruins' rules


Silos - use 'Ruins' rules




Farm Buildings - use 'Ruins' rules


Rock Formations - use 'Hills' rules


Hedgerows - use 'Barricades' rules


Woodland (move trees to position models within) - use 'Woods' rules with the addition that these features block LOS across them and units wholly within them have the Stealth Keyword (except Towering/Aircraft units)


Cathedral City 2*​


Ruins - use 'Ruins' rules


Barricades - use 'Barricades' rules


*I'm serious, cheese puns are not mature


Pylon Research Facility


If the mission being played uses an Objective Marker in the centre of the board, the Pylon IS the objective. Models touching the base of the Pylon are considered to be in range of the Objective.


Hab Blocks - use 'Buildings' rules with the addition that these terrain pieces block LOS across them. You can lift the roof to place miniatures inside.


Electric Fences - use 'Barricades' rules with the exception that all unit types can freely move through these features, and units obscured by these features gain the 'Stealth' Keyword (except Towering/Aircraft units)


Craters - use 'Craters' rules with the addition that units wholly within the crater gain the Stealth keyword


Woodland (move trees to position models within) - use 'Woods' rules with the addition that these features block LOS across them and units wholly within them have the Stealth Keyword (except Towering/Aircraft units)


Pylon Redoubt - use 'Ruins' rules


Frozen Security Compound


Hab Blocks - use 'Buildings' rules with the addition that these terrain pieces block LOS across them. You can lift the roof to place miniatures inside.


Electric Fences - use 'Barricades' rules with the exception that all unit types can freely move through these features, and units obscured by these features gain the 'Stealth' Keyword (except Towering/Aircraft units)


Craters - use 'Craters' rules with the addition that units wholly within the crater gain the Stealth keyword


Power Lines - use 'Battlefield Debris' rules


Mechanicus Structures - use 'Ruins' rules


Pipelines - use 'Barricades' rules

Mr Blobbys Daemon World.jpg

Mr Blobby's Daemon World*


'L' Pieces - use 'Ruins' rules


Barricades - use 'Barricades' rules


*to be set up using the standard UKTC layouts: 40k |


Martian Wilderness


Rock/Henge Formations (all sizes) - use 'Hills' rules


Rubble Piles - use 'Barricades' rules​


Ravine 2.JPG

The Ravine 2 - Ravine Harder​


Ruined Buildings - use 'Ruins' rules


Rock Formations - use 'Hills' rules


Barricades - use 'Barricades' rules

The Sands of Time.jpg

Sands of Time​


Ruins, Columns, and Buildings - use 'Ruins' rules


Craters - use 'Craters' rules with the addition that units wholly within the crater gain the Stealth keyword

Blasted Wasteland.jpg

Blasted Wasteland


Rock Formations (all sizes) - use 'Hills' rules


Craters - use 'Craters' rules with the addition that units wholly within the crater gain the Stealth keyword


Barricades - use 'Barricades' rules


Desert Habitation


Rock Formations (all sizes) - use 'Hills' rules


Barricades - use 'Barricades' rules


Craters - use 'Craters' rules with the addition that units wholly within the crater gain the Stealth keyword


Buildings - use 'Hills' rules


Martian Bunker


Rock/Henge Formations (all sizes) - use 'Hills' rules


Rubble Piles - use 'Barricades' rules​


Bunker Silos and Ruins - use 'Ruins' rules



UKTC Terrain


'L' Pieces - use 'Ruins' rules


Barricades - use 'Barricades' rules


*to be set up using the standard UKTC layouts: 40k |

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